Michall Daimion Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating System Maintenance’

Spring is the Perfect Time for HVAC Maintenance, Here’s Why

Monday, April 10th, 2023

Summer works your AC like nothing else, and winter is taxing on your heater. Spring is the perfect downtime where it’s not too warm and not too cool. You can call for maintenance and not be worried even if it’s a little busy right now.

Spring HVAC maintenance in Phoenixville, PA helps prepare you for next summer and winter. While maintenance should be annual and once per year, when you get it matters. Let’s talk about why spring is the best season to get HVAC maintenance.

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A Furnace Performance Check-In for Later Winter

Monday, February 28th, 2022

Seasonal changes affect your HVAC system in different ways. Traditionally, the advice around protecting your furnace says to have a professional inspection late in the fall, just before winter. This is perfectly sound advice, but there’s just as much value to running a performance check-in post-winter too.

Winter is every heating system’s busiest period. After months of peak use, your furnace is at its most vulnerable coming out winter. A check-in here can offer you vital insights into your furnace’s efficiency, performance, and repair needs.

Let’s go over some simple ways to examine your furnace at home. If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to book a professional HVAC service for repair and maintenance.

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Make Sure You Keep Current With HVAC Filter Changes—Here’s Why

Monday, January 3rd, 2022

The biggest piece of advice that we can give to any homeowner about their HVAC system is to regularly change its filter. It’s an easy step to do, but also an easy one for people to forget. It might seem like it isn’t a serious problem to leave the filter in place for a few more months, but clogged and dirty air filters are the source of numerous HVAC problems that are otherwise easy to avoid. 

When you schedule any maintenance tune-up with our technicians (heating or air conditioning), they’ll change out the filter as part of the service. They can show you where the filter is located and how to change it—it’s easy, trust us! You will need to do the changes yourself until the next maintenance appointment. We recommend checking the filter monthly to see if it’s fully congested. The filter will need to be changed every 1 to 3 months.

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Some New Year’s Resolution Suggestions (HVAC-Related, Of Course!)

Monday, December 27th, 2021

It’s that time of year again—the end of the year! That means many people are beginning to think about their resolutions for the new year. 

We’d like to help! We can provide you with some excellent and easily achievable resolutions that are all about your heating, air conditioning, and ventilation system. With the proper HVAC service in West Chester, PA—which only requires calling Michall Daimion Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.—you can have most of your resolutions completed in no time.

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How Long You Can Expect Your Heating System to Last?

Monday, December 13th, 2021
analog clock

We often take the heating systems in our homes for granted. We imagine that each winter when we need them, they’ll turn on and deliver the cozy warmth necessary to make winter a joy rather than a burden. Then the heaters shut down for the middle of the year and people stop thinking about them, making it even easier to forget that, well, one day those heaters will fail.

We don’t recommend you allow your home’s heating system to run and run until it completely breaks down. That puts you in a bad position and can even lead to dangerous heater operation right before. We advise you to get ahead of a failed central heater and know when it’s best to schedule a replacement with our Phoenixville, PA, HVAC professionals.

To help with this, we’re going to look into a key question: “How long can you expect your central heater to keep working for you?”

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How Can I Pay Less to Heat My House This Coming Winter?

Monday, November 1st, 2021

It’s a fact of life in Pennsylvania: homes need heating systems running during the winter. And heating systems require energy to power them, and energy costs money. As the winter weather settles in, you can expect to see a rise in your utility bills. 

If you come to this post, it’s probably because you think you’re paying too much to heat your house. You’re likely right: we’ve offered HVAC service in Newtown Square, PA for more than 40 years, and we’ve seen the many ways homeowners can inadvertently increase heating costs. 

We’re here to help you overcome unnecessarily high heating charges. We can’t make your heating free, but we can help you not feel so afraid of looking at your monthly utility bills during winter. 

Let’s get started…

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October Is (Semi) Official Heating Maintenance Month!

Monday, October 4th, 2021

Fall starts in September, but the arrival of October is when you can genuinely begin to feel the change in seasons. As people shift over to a Halloween type of mood, the temperatures will also start to cool off. It’s a refreshing change, but it also means that winter is not too far off. 

This is why we think of October as Official Heating Maintenance Month. Or semi-official, because you can also have maintenance done at other times of the fall. We just think October is the ideal time to have it taken care of: right before the holiday rush starts when the weather still isn’t cold enough you need the heater running most of the day.

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Heating Maintenance: Now Is the Time to Schedule It

Monday, November 16th, 2020

The serious cold weather is about to arrive, and you know that it’ll be here to stay for a few months. If you haven’t yet arranged for Phoenixville, PA, HVAC service to inspect and tune-up your heating system, now is when we recommend you schedule it. Delaying this service only reduces its benefits and puts your household at a higher risk of having a heating system that doesn’t work, doesn’t work as well as it should, or wastes large amounts of money.

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