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Michall Daimion Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Blog

Replacing Your Heater This Spring? A Few Things to Consider


When you no longer need to rely on home heating in Wayne, PA as the weather warms up, you may simply choose to forget about your heating system—at least until you need it again in the fall. There’s nothing wrong with focusing on your AC as temperatures start to rise, but paying a bit of attention to your heater over the spring season can pay off, especially if you think the heater is coming to the end of its service life. 

To help you with your future plans for your heater if you think you might want it replaced this spring, here are a few things to consider.

Spring is an excellent time for this service

Spring is what we in the HVAC industry call a “shoulder season,” i.e. a period between the most intense weather conditions when our services are in the highest demand. Spring brings warmer temperatures, but it’s not yet time for running the AC through most of the day. Because of this, our technicians shift their work to focus on helping people with air conditioning system maintenance—and with making important upgrades to their HVAC systems, such as putting in a new heater. It’s much easier to schedule heater installation now, and you’ll have extra time to consider your options and arrange for a convenient appointment. 

The age of the heater

Age isn’t an absolute when it comes to whether or not to replace a heating system. But it is a good guideline. Gas furnaces can last from 15 to 20 years, condensing gas furnaces around 15 years, and heat pumps from 10 to 15. If you have a heater in the upper range of its service life, replacing it is never a bad idea, although it may still have some useful years left. We can help you determine if the heater needs to be replaced ASAP.

The cost of heating this last winter

Did you pay more to heat your home this previous winter than you think you should have? If you account for more time spent at home and any potential increases in energy costs, you can see if the amount you’re paying has risen. This is often a warning sign for an older heater that it’s time to put in a new one.

The potential high-efficiency replacement

You may already have in mind the type of heating system you want as a replacement because you have your eye on a high-efficiency system. For example, if you’ve used a standard mid-efficiency gas furnace for the last 15 years, you might find a high-efficiency condensing furnace appealing. Although a high-efficiency heating system isn’t always a guarantee of money savings, it can often be a good start. When you work with our pros, we’ll make sure you have the ideal new unit to meet your energy efficiency goals. 

We offer many different types of heating systems, from gas furnaces to ductless mini split heat pumps. Get in touch with us today for your springtime heating system replacement. 

Schedule heating installation and other HVAC services with Michall Daimion Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. The Main Line’s Premier Service Provider since 1976.

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