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Michall Daimion Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Blog

Is It Time to Consider Replacing Your AC?


A central air conditioning system is a major investment for a home, one of the vital appliances for day-to-day living during the middle of the year. You want the air conditioning system that keeps your family comfortable every summer to last for as long as possible. Eventually, no matter how well you care for and maintain your air conditioning in West Chester, PA, it will wear down to a point where it is no longer effective and efficient enough to be worth keeping.

Now that it’s fall and you are looking forward to a period of cooler weather, ask yourself if your air conditioning system has reached the finish line and is ready to retire. The fall is a good season to schedule a new installation, so if you believe your AC just had its last summer, arrange for a replacement with our team.

Ways to Tell It’s Time for a New AC

In some cases, you won’t have any doubts about whether to install a new air conditioning system or not—if the AC has broken down entirely, you’ll know what to do! It’s rarely so cut-and-dried, so below are some of the signs of a dying AC:

  • Rising utility bills: An air conditioner that is regularly maintained will keep 95% of its energy efficiency rating until the end of its service life—at which point the efficiency will begin to drop and electricity bills rise. If you’ve seen a rise over the past two years in the cost to run the AC in summer (and it’s not connected to an increase in use or the cost of electricity), then it usually means the AC is in its last stages.
  • Frequent repairs: An AC shouldn’t need to have a repair every year. Or even every other year. If you’ve gotten to know our repair pros on a first name basis—well, we’re glad you appreciate our friendliness, but it’s probably time to have a new AC put in rather than keep up with repairs.
  • The cost of repairs: Also important when it comes to repairs is their price tag. Any single repair for an AC necessary to keep it running that is more than 50% of the price of a replacement is too much.
  • Loud operation: A single odd noise from the AC often means it needs to be repaired. General loud sounds most likely mean the air conditioner is run-down and coming near to the end of its service life.
  • Uneven cooling: If not all the rooms in your house are receiving the amount of cooling they once did, it often indicates an air conditioner that is past the point where repairs will help it.
  • Age: Although the age of a system isn’t an automatic indicator of whether it needs to be replaced or not, an AC over 15 years old is near to retiring—especially if you’ve noticed the other problems above.

Michall Daimion Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. has been the Main Line’s Premier Service Provider since 1976. Request an estimate for air conditioning service today.

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